Saturday, September 22, 2007


I am having some trouble here. I do not seem to be able to upload any pictures from my Flickr account (other than of my sister's gift--who has yet received a name but lives quietly in the garden). I am going to attempt to link another page to this entry and we shall see how far I get. I would like to explore the whole issue around the Ontario Referendum -- I can't figure out how to vote.

Until I have the energy to start searching I hope this article on words will entertain and enlighten. By the way the Map Blog I found is quite interesting.

I got the photo! It does seem a bit round about.

This, by the way, is my favorite scene in Party Girl. Probably contravened some copyright things here.


Nixon is in hell said...

Hey, Nicole:

Just as in High School, I'm behind in my assignments, heheh. I've yet to create a blog through our 23 Things project, however I do have a blog of my own. I'd love you to visit at:

My wife has a wonderful literary sight called "BookLust", at:

Please feel free to leave a comment at either sight.

Bye bye for now!

Nixon is in hell said...



And what is that gift from your sister?

Nixon is in hell said...

Very nice pictures. You seem to have picked up the ball and run away with it!

The other blog I set up at Wordpress is structured quite differently from Blogspot's configuration. I feel as a fish does out of water with Blogspot.

Oh, the "gift from your sister" I'm sure does not look at all like you.